You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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## Define
### Instructions
Run at least one of the Define tools in the design process.
### Deliverables
- A PDF document with the script of the tool context.
- Completed tool (scripts from user interviews, results from a quantitative analysis, etc.).
- A PDF document with the key learnings from this phase.
Don't forget to:
- Upload the documents on Github, in a zip folder named “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”, with all project deliverables as follows: “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”. For example, the first deliverable can be named as “Doe_John_MidFiPrototype_05242024_V1”.
- Add a title within all written documents.
- Use as many tools as needed, be make sure you do all the process in 4 working days!
- Pay attention to the global aspect of the deliverables. They must be clear, simple and easy to read. You can get inspiration [canva]( but don’t overload your design with too much details!
- Persona
- The script is the list of insights the students uses to create the persona.
- The completed tool is a [Persona board](*RbHfR6BHhhFIENNf). Make sure the key insights come from the field, from reality, but the persona itself is different from only one user.
- Empathy Map
- The script is the list of insights the student uses to create the Empathy map.
- The completed tool is an [Empathy Map](*I1ffOWdPWQva3dCMQE-TAQ.png).
- User Journey
- The script is the list of insights the student uses to create the User Journey.
- The completed tool is a [User Journey Map](
- Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD)
- The JTBD is tool that goes as a conclusion to another of the previous tools. Make sure:
- The sentence is complete.
- The "When" part involves a visit on the website.
- The "I want to" part involves a practical action.
- The "So I can" part involves a psychological or emotional purpose.