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Agathe Pommery d45cfd54d3 File format description in the instructions and the audits + Prerequisites admin and students 2 years ago
audit File format description in the instructions and the audits + Prerequisites admin and students 2 years ago File format description in the instructions and the audits + Prerequisites admin and students 2 years ago

UX I - Ex 3 - Personas


  • Create a user persona based on several users from the same category


  • A user persona on a PDF document
  • Upload the PDF document on Github, labeled as follows: “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”. For example, it can be labeled as “Doe_John_MidFiPrototype_05242024_V1”.
  • Add a title within the document.
  • Pay attention to the global aspect of the document. It must be clear, simple and easy to read. You can get inspiration on but don’t overload your design with too much details!


  • You may use Figma and extract a PDF document out of it.
  • Use the material you got from exercise 1.
  • Detect people who face the same kinds of problems and group them.
  • When you find 2+ people who face the same kind of problem, you can merge their testimonials to create a persona. In this case, Joe, Nathan, Guillaume and Anaelle who run races from time to time (they have run at least one race in their life, but less than 3 times a year) and have faced dehydration problems.
  • A persona is fictional: do not use one of your users’ names, but a name that is consistent with your users’ demographics and social group. In this case, we'll choose a man as 3 out of 4 are men, and Pierre as a first name so it's different (but consistent) from Joe's, Nathan's, Guillaume's and Anaelle's.
  • As to the age, average the ages of your selected users. In this case, 32 (Joe is 30, Nathan is 39, Guillaume is 30 and Anaelle is 29).
  • The persona has to be sport-oriented, as it is the context of this research. However, broader information, like the scan info (jobs, location, etc.) are more than welcome to give more context.



‘Focus unswervingly, on the customer’ Jesse Hertzberg | Former COO of Squarespace