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UX I - Ex 2 - Analytics


Read these articles and extract at least 5 key figures or insights that may be useful in understanding what athletes or sport practicing people experience related to hydration.


  • On a PDF document, write at least 5 key figures or insights you extracted from the articles. Each insight or key figure should be justified by a quote and the title of the article.
  • Upload the document on Github, labeled as follows: “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”. For example, it can be labeled as “Doe_John_MidFiPrototype_05242024_V1”.
  • Add a title within the document.
  • Pay attention to the global aspect of the document. It must be clear, simple and easy to read. You can get inspiration on but don’t overload your design with too much details!



Examples of insights you can extract from the articles:

  • Symptoms of dehydration can be headache, dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, or fatigue.
  • People experience dehydration when they lose 2% of their body mass loss (BML) in fluids/water/sweat.
  • Sweat helps the body to maintain optimal body temperature.
  • Sprint athletes are generally less concerned about the effects of dehydration than are endurance athletes.
  • Etc...

It's on you to find other and more!


Always base your decisions on the data, not on your biases.