# UX VII - Ex 5 - Ideation **Instructions:** Run at least one of the Ideation techniques in the design process. **Deliverables:** - A PDF document with the script of the tool context - Completed tool: a board with all the ideas - on paper or digitally on Miro or Figma - A PDF document with the key learnings from this phase - Upload the documents on Github, in a zip folder named “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”, with all project deliverables as follows: “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”. For example, the first deliverable can be named as “Doe_John_MidFiPrototype_05242024_V1”. - Add a title within all written documents. - Pay attention to the global aspect of the deliverables. They must be clear, simple and easy to read. You can get inspiration on canva.com but don’t overload your design with too much details! **Tips:** - Use as many tools as needed, and make sure you do all the process in 4 working days!