**Guillemette, 31 years old, accountant freelance, French, lives in Nantes, France** Run - What sports do you practice? - I swim and run. - How often do you run? - I swim once or twice a month. - As to running, I haven't run in 9 months due to my pregnancy, but I normally run once a week. - When was the last time you went out for a run? - 9 months ago! Races - What was the last race you ran? - 'Les foulées du numériques 2020' in Nantes. It's a 10km race. - How was it? Tell me about the experience you had. - The race was hard to run because it had been a long time since I hadn't run. You need to run regularly and I was not prepared enough. I had a tendancy to run faster than my own pace and I found it harder. - Half marathon in 2018. It was not too hot and the program was well done. I stopped a little longer (I ran on the spot) to take the time to drink. I had been very careful about that. I had a sore feet. It was a nice experience and a good challenge and I didn't have any hydration problems. We also had a friend who coached us for the half-marathon, she did a lot of prevention on hydration, the importance of taking breaks, slowing down, etc. - How did you get prepared? - I ran a little more regularly and tried to run at least 10 km in my training sessions. - What would you have done differently? Why? - I would re-train by step rather than several times 10 km. Increase as you go. I thought my body could do it, so I could do it in the moment. But I wasn’t ready. Hydration - What do you remember about the way you hydrated? - I drink after each workout minimum 1 L of water, it limits the aches. I force myself to drink 1 L of water. I watch out hydration before the course. There’s only one supply on the 10km race so I drank halfway through. - How did you manage your hydration? - Very badly I think. Because you would have to drink more at the time of training when I do not drink before. You have to train your body before the effort and it goes through hydration. - Have you ever found yourself in trouble due to hydration? What happened? - No, never, because I am very careful. - What would you never do again? Why? - Drinking too fast