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722 B

Exercise 4 Ordinal Encoder

The goal of this exercise is to learn how to deal with Categorical variables using the Ordinal Encoder.

In that case, we want the model to consider that: good > neutral > bad

X_train = [['good'], ['bad'], ['neutral']]
  1. Fit the OrdinalEncoder by specifying the categories in the following order: categories=[['bad', 'neutral', 'good']]. Transform the train set. Print the categories_

  2. Transform the X_test using the fitted Ordinal Encoder on train set.

X_test = [['good'], ['good'], ['bad']]

Note: In the version 0.22 of Scikit-learn, the Ordinal Encoder doesn't handle new values in the test set. But it will be possible in the version 0.24 !