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Exercise 6 Multi-class (Optional)

The goal of this exercise is to learn to train a classification algorithm on a multi-class labelled data. Some algorithms as SVM or Logistic Regression do not natively support multi-class (more than 2 classes). There are some approaches that allow to use these algorithms on multi-class data. Let's assume we work with 3 classes: A, B and C.

  • One-vs-Rest considers 3 binary classification problems: A vs B,C; B vs A,C and C vs A,B. If there are 10 classes, 10 binary classification problems would be fitted.
  • One-vs-One considers 3 binary classification problems: A vs B, A vs C, B vs C. If there are 10 classes, 45 binary classification problems would be fitted. Given, the volume of data, this technique may not be scalable.

More details:

Let's implement the One-vs-Rest approach from LogisticRegression.


  • Import the Setosa data set from Scikit-learn
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
iris = load_iris()

X = pd.DataFrame(data=iris['data'], columns=iris.feature_names)
y = pd.DataFrame(data=iris['target'], columns=['target'])
  • Using train_test_split, split the data set in a train set and test set (20%) with shuffle=True and random_state=43.
  1. Create a function that takes as input the data and returns three trained classifiers.
  • clf0 takes as input a binary data set where the class 1 is 0 and class 0 is 1 and 2.
  • clf1 takes as input a binary data set where the class 1 is 1 and class 0 is 0 and 2.
  • clf2 takes as input a binary data set where the class 1 is 2 and class 0 is 0 and 1.
def train(X_train,y_train):
       return clf0, clf1, clf2
  1. Create a function that takes as input the trained classifiers and the features set and that returns the predicted class. Use predict_one_vs_all to output the predicted classes on the test set. Compare the results with Logistic Regression algorithm from scikit learn used in One-vs-All mode. The results may change because the solver may not converge. Later this week, we will learn to preprocess the data to avoid convergence issues.
  • clf0 outputs the probability to belong to the class 1 which is 0.
  • clf1 outputs the probability to belong to the class 1 which is 1.
  • clf2 outputs the probability to belong to the class 1 which is 2.

The predicted class is the one that gets the highest probability among the three models.

def predict_one_vs_all(X, clf0, clf1, clf2 ):
       return classes